Monday, September 14, 2009
Today first day back to school
wasnt as bad as i thought i would be :D
morning was dam tire
so went to school and blablabla
and people i didnt pierce my ear bone.__.
got scolded by many ppl .__.
Ernest kept saying i'm short:(
well i will admit tat i am shorter then colin by 1 head
but its colin tat is super tall:D hehe
first period-History
uhm..ok ok lor luv mr.pillai haha
second period- Lit
rocks:D hehe ms won didnt come
so it was slacking period:D
third period- English
Got insulted once again:( hehe
fourth period-Math
ok ok
cause didnt study much did fileing
last period-Cme
After school:D
haha super fun la
went to find mr cheng
he was scolding ppl
so me,wilfred,ernest,qinwen and shen ee
sat outside the HOD and chatted
super fun:D
and i am pure la:( xp
then alot of things happen la lazy type
then went dance
kinda slack
haha laugh-ed alot alot with claudia and jasmine:D
talked about reactions and an granny with big boobs hahaxp
claudia was like LOL
cant say:D
cam-wored:D haha
now let the pictures do the talking:D

meme :D


Jasmine my dearest sex partner:D

Do u remember this place :(? ...its over

sex partners!!:D woots haha

jasmine and claudia:D

claudia LOL




me tougue sticking out^^,jasmine peace,and claudia the black riding hood lol

say cheese!:D
Mummy and daughter:D
and daughter u wan to know what jasmine was doing to your hair right?
This is what she did:D


me again:D haha
tats all bb
Monday, September 14, 2009
Today first day back to school
wasnt as bad as i thought i would be :D
morning was dam tire
so went to school and blablabla
and people i didnt pierce my ear bone.__.
got scolded by many ppl .__.
Ernest kept saying i'm short:(
well i will admit tat i am shorter then colin by 1 head
but its colin tat is super tall:D hehe
first period-History
uhm..ok ok lor luv mr.pillai haha
second period- Lit
rocks:D hehe ms won didnt come
so it was slacking period:D
third period- English
Got insulted once again:( hehe
fourth period-Math
ok ok
cause didnt study much did fileing
last period-Cme
After school:D
haha super fun la
went to find mr cheng
he was scolding ppl
so me,wilfred,ernest,qinwen and shen ee
sat outside the HOD and chatted
super fun:D
and i am pure la:( xp
then alot of things happen la lazy type
then went dance
kinda slack
haha laugh-ed alot alot with claudia and jasmine:D
talked about reactions and an granny with big boobs hahaxp
claudia was like LOL
cant say:D
cam-wored:D haha
now let the pictures do the talking:D

meme :D


Jasmine my dearest sex partner:D

Do u remember this place :(? ...its over

sex partners!!:D woots haha

jasmine and claudia:D

claudia LOL




me tougue sticking out^^,jasmine peace,and claudia the black riding hood lol

say cheese!:D
Mummy and daughter:D
and daughter u wan to know what jasmine was doing to your hair right?
This is what she did:D


me again:D haha
tats all bb