Friday, September 11, 2009

dam shag:(
just put mask haha:D
cause been sleeping late this few days
eye bags all out :(
hais...friday already:'(
hoilday is going to over le
dam dun feel like going school:(
i rather still at home den go school la
go school need see the stupid ms chia's face :(
watched finish You're my destiny/Fated to love you :D
dam nice can
super touching :D
and people jason is not my bf la!!
uhm...he is my ex la
we are best friend:D
haha i knew him since very young so we are super close
just done the chinese hw :D
hehe shall reply taggies:D
taggies :D
claudia'daughter- LOL hello dam horny daughter:D
.:+jason+:.- -.- LOL jason u type like tat later ppl think we brg sia.and stop calling me bixp and i where got everything put down the phone fast.Eh, u in canada leh. My phone bill no need money is it:D and where got fast?? everytime talk to u for 1 hr + ok.LOl and u are not stitch!! my husband is more handsome than u okay:D xD and i know u love me^^ haha
claudia~jason- Daughter!! i where got LOL
-Desiree-. haha tats good daughter:D LOL dun care jason he is like tat de:)
;toh ning- sweet honey!!:D hehe thanks for the tag!!
.:jason:.-LOL i know la. dun always type here leh. can tell me when i call u de right?:D lol u gonna fuck me?? sicko haha i fuck u left and right then(: LOL jk jk.
of course will go your house:D i know aunty misses me right?:D lol and i dun miss u !!:p i miss aunty!! I love ..Y...O....U...R mother!!:D haha help me tell aunty i miss her and her cooking!!!:D
steady-LOl u ass :) thanks:D
finally done:D
uhm..pls dun misunderstood me and jason
i know him for along time
so i know his mummy too:D
his mummy is dam good:D haha
uhm...tats all ba bye luvluv