will history repeat?
Monday, September 7, 2009
My hand was once for u to hold
My body was once for u to hug
My lip was once for u to kiss
My shoulder was once for u to lie on when u're tire
My picture was once for u to see when i'm not around
my heart was once for u to luv
They were once upon a fairytale........
i'll not blame u for leaving me
but blame myself for letting u go
I'm here to blog again(:
I'm here to introduce u guys my new Boyfriend :D
well i luv my boyfriend alot alot(:
He is the cutest and most handsome guy
I swear tat i will luv him and last forever with him(:
gosh u guys dunno how much i luv him canxD
To all girls:
U girls better dun go hong my boyfriend i tell u
if u try, u gonna get it(:
lol okay
i shall tell u guys my boyfriend is who(:
My boyfriend is the one and only
dun laugh at my boyfriend:(
he is cute and handsome ok xD
nah show u guys his picture
dun fall for him ar
he is mine(:

hehe cute and handsome right?(:
hehe Gerldine's boyfriend(:
u can say i'm mad la
but its true:)