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Profile entries Tagboard Affiliates

ummm... helping baby to post... :)
Saturday, December 5, 2009

ummm... hello... ummm... i am here to
help gerldine to post... lol... but i dun
know wat exactly to post... well she said just
post anything... hmmm... i guess she enjoyed
going out last night with jasmin and evan...
(i dont know if i said the correct persons)... but
she said she did not really enjoy the concert...
she said it was boring... LOL... so anyway...
nothing to say liao... :P i really dun actually
help people to post so... bye bye... :) i love you baby... :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

haha..lately my blog has werid spammers and passerbys0.0
slept at 3am
was chatting with jasmine and colin:D
tmr is the day babes:P
i need money!!!!:(
and i totally need to do hw!
i only left 18 days:(
sian! shit la
nthing to say so bye!

To jibai Joanna or joanne/someone or whatever fuck is your fucking name:
u fucker
want fuck me isit KNN
spam spam spam
my breast big ar?
jealous sibo?
i tell u now fucker
my breast REAL one! happy?!
thanks hor say my breast big
i ugly?
u what?
i dare u show me your fucking pic
if u prettier
i knee down and call u boss
dun say like u are some chio bu can not?
i deleted your damn tag dirty my whole tag box
u eat finish nthing to do sibo?
i'm fucking happy and proud of how i look
u dare spam
dare talk to me
92421694 / sun_gerldine@hotmail.com
come talk to me
send me u damn fucking pic
i see u how pretty
i bitch?
ya i'm one so?
your fucking problem again isit?
u not happy with me ar? NB
dun act big in my blog
dunno then dun fucking judge me

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

okay dedication time:D
only for ppl i know alot
First up, hornhorn:D cause from yesterday she has been nosy:pLOL
sup bitch:D haha. jkjk
thanks for always being there for me
we been through alot together too even though we are not from the same class
we play,dance,bitch,gossip and many more together
thanks for talking sense into me haha:D
we always talk abt boys or sex LOL
remember our date on raffles hotel:D
haha, i remember tat time we webcam till3 am
even though next day got school or dance
remember that u called me always on the dance steps
and that day we went to confront with the fuckers haha
love u

next up Laopo
Laopo i miss u too la:D
i love u alot too
i remember we both are laopo because i said
i want husband xD haha
we always talk abt ur ex bf till we cry haha
i will always remember the times when we always sit together
talking abt bf(s) and we cry
and we will comort each other
hug each other and stuff
u are always there for me
there when i break up there when i cry
even if u are busy working, u still care for me
when i'm in troublem or crying
the first person i'll call is u
cause u will be there to listen to me
we play hardcore too haha
i want work to la :(
andand i we really having tattoo
lets have the same:D
meet up soon okay?
forever laopo :D

next next claudia & desiree daughter
hahaha my both chio daughters:D
claudia first LOL
i know u since p5
a great friend:D haha
u always will tell me gossip or funny stuf that will make me smile:D
thanks alot for the stitch toys:D
i really love it
haha i remember last time we use to like the boys have the same name but differnent spelling LOL
i love u :D
desiree turn
haha we both love korean boy bands like nobody business:D
haha we always talk abt boys
which one is hot and handsome haha
when i cry, u will be there for me too:D
u are very cute:)haha
remember how we use to look at boys
then i got hot one we will
eh!!! got hot guy haha:D
i really miss u too
hurry and come back to sing:) love u

haha. we were both crazy abt shopping and heels:D
i miss u alot
but nowdays lost in contact with u le:(
u seems busy with v.b
neh mind fri can see u le:D
next year after new year when i got money we go out kay??:)
haha. love ya

evannn!!:D haha
u look pretty in make up la:)
why u like panda so much ?
i still dun understand LOL
u verycute lor haha
lets go eat sticky chocolate again!!!!
sweet tooth :D:D:D:D
:P i love ya!
see u on fri at ur house haha
i doubt if u sees this
i miss u :(
its been a long time since i talk to u hais
u din reply my tat msg so i know what u meant already
i miss everything
really. all i want to say was in that msg
actually not but u din guve me chances to say more
but its okay i just need u to know those things :)

kk!!:D finallydone!
jasmine very nosiy still haha
if i have miss out anybody pls tell me :D
love u guys who is reading this :D

can't be with or without u

bitches:D LOL
kay people
calm down!~ chill
later i will write to all of u kay(:
and people who has been wondering if i'm a virgin
i'm 100% am:D
so stop asking

shuo hao de xing fu ne

yo(: 3rd post i posting before i go to sleep :D LOL
that stupid jasmine ps me:(
ask me pei her late late
she ownself 2+am sleep already-.-
its now like 4 am in the morning
my beauty sleep:(
jasmine wan!!! u owe me!!!
i was watching chick vs. dick(:
nice nice LOL
damn funny
i watched from ep1-20+
then realise its already 4 am -.-
jasmine dun need jealous:D haha. at most i wrote for u lor
but i think i will take a long time:D
firstly, i 1 week will see u atleast twice
secondly, i dun miss u :D
thirdly, u love ur bf more than me:D
jking la:)
u were there for me too:D
like 2 days ago
on msn:D!! thanks babe
okay la now 4.07 am
need sleep bye!

I miss u, colin:(

A post for my dearest person:D
and that is COLIN NG
ohmyfuckinggod! u dunno how much i love him can:D:D
he is always there when i need him:D
first to wish me lucks in my relationship
first to be there when i broke up:D
first to comfort me and stuff:D
He just always there for me!!
and i fucking miss u colin:( :(
i miss your jokes
i miss your smile
i miss your house LOL
i miss your comfort :(
i miss your horny jokes
i miss your cooking
i miss your everything!! :'(
i want u back in SINGAPORE:(!!!
like seriously i'm missing u damn alot alot!!
i cant imagine my life without u seriously!
u're one of the most important person in my life
without u, there will be no Gerldine Sun:(
even though u are very far
u still care for me:(
u in HK, i in sinapore
we still call oversea call and talk
we still webcam and see each other!
cause we are close!!!
my secondary one life will sux if i have not know u seriously
i dunno why but i feel like crying now!
seriously :'(
cause now i'm alone and remember how i use to talk to u :(!!
omg hurry and come back!!:(
i fucking miss u ! i know i say alot of times
but really.
Now Sun Gerldine is not joking at all
i remember how
we used to go your house and play
we used to go sing K
we used to laugh at each other
we used to comfort each other
we used to tell other ppl secrets we are not suppose to tell
we used to eat cup noodles went i go your house
we used to talk about horny stuff and laugh
we used to look at babes and hunks
we used to disturb each other
we used to do many things together
and many more....
Gerldine is crying now, i really am:'(
i really miss u
i want talk to u now!!!:(
reply in my blog if u see this.
colin ng i miss and love u!
do come back soon:(!!!

hey fuckers:D ahah
now spamming jasmine'sex partner the facebook LOL
promise to pei her till late:D see i so good right? LOL
we crapped alot!
this is what horny girls and sex partners talk abt:


G:tweety bird not girl meh?
J:we were wrong
G:like we know. we never see he got dick ma
J:YOU CRAZY UH ?!you ever see a bird fly pass then got dick hanging meh ?!no right ?! walao , must be hidden somewhere luh
G:ya hor LOL. my parrot also boy. but got no dick too. weird. no wonder they call bird:D cause they dun have LOL
J:LOL . bird no dick cause they are one themselves .HAH
G:LOL. ya lor. next time we see birds then say''ohmyfuckinggod!its a dick!!" LOL
J:ohmygod , the dick just fly pass my head .LOL .
tell the guys , eh you dick fly away already , you dont want to catch meh ? LOLLOL
G:LOL!!! the bird is shitting then we say"ohmygod,ur dick just cum!" LOL!!
J:WTF !LOL. damn hell sick !

I said see at your own risk:D
dun blame me for polluting your mind:P
birds have no dick!! stupid fuckers:D
sorry! cant help but insult the birds cause i hate them :D LOL
and oh ya
jasmine dared me to tell u guys that
omg did i say something?!
i dun think so :D haha
she hor.... hais
damn ass can!! got bf dun wan gf:(
i so poorthing right?:(:(
dun believe can ask claudia
talk to bf so sweet,talk to gf like want fight like tat LOL
andand WILFRED! if u see this dun blame me!!:D
Is your DEAREST gf dare me one:D:D AHAHAHA
Jasmine wan!!! No wonder u today come my house your phone no batt la!
must be sms and call him too much!!
if your phone no unlimited sms
i see how u die:D
nvm wilfred will die with u :D LOL
walao. If u can treat me as half as u treat wilfred good already!! LOL
stupid loverbirds:P
LOL. Wilfred! Jasmine say want fuck me leh!
in raffles hotel! high class right:D HAHA
dun jealous :D
jasmine! u want to fuck, u come find me.
dun wan then dun care me:(
Ur bf's favourite sentences: U GOOD! GOT WINGS ALREADY LA! CAN FLY ALREADY LOR?!
okay i'm done.
u are fucking noisy in msn-.- HAHA!!
& thanks for helping me:D u know what i meant LOL
i shall reply some taggies:D

Desiree- daughter, u got a father not a fucking father LOL
Ariel: BABE!! i miss u too:(:(:( i fucking miss u alot!! yupp meet up soon:D MUACKS!! LOVE U
JASMINE.W: thanks girl:D HAHAHA. talk to u in msn. LOve my post for u not?:D

all i know is i love u
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

jasmine & evann came my house today
so fun:D
but my leg pain cause wear heels ahahah
my house was full of vulgar-.-LOL
esp. when they painting nails cause they went
i'm so tempt to cut my hair short!!!:(
should i?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

sry for the previous post
was in a hurry to blog LOL
the pictures were taken in a hurry too
been busy this few days
so no time pei baby:(
sry boyfriend!!! like i say i will promise u :)
but thanks for all those caring:D
actually i'm waitng for u to onlineO:
but its already 8.31 am leh...
u still haven yet:(
i'm looking forward to fri:D!
right jas and evan?
woots! i bought a dress!
omg i miss denise :(

short post cuz no time lol sry
just wanna say
i love my boyfriend:D

Monday, November 23, 2009

home>causeway point>school>claudia's house>amk hub>home
today went to meet jasmine for breakfast at causeway point
OMFG:D i love her can:D
suppose to meet at 8am
she came at 8.50-.-
cant blame her:D LOL
cab to school
the taxi driver super cute & funny:p
jasmine say we are in a hurry ask can drive faster?
then the uncle say ok! u are now in the space ship or somethingLOL
chat chat chat
dance was freaking difficult today:(
so tiring lor:(
after dance went claudia's house to get my present:D
she bought me a stitch pencil box!!!:D:D:D
so damn cute!!
then when amk hub to meet evan
jasmine bully me:(
make me watch 2012 AGAIN!!
well i dun care also:D
called colin cause felt bored!!
BYE :'( will miss u colin!! & i love u alot alot alot!
then walk with evan to her bus stop
evan was so cute!
lol tats all

Sunday, November 22, 2009

i'm bored:( :(
tat stupid idiot aries neva reply me yet!!:(
yesterday went to watch mid night movie:D
slept at around 4am
super tired now lol

Friday, November 20, 2009

this pic is taken years back when i first saw snow:D
very tired sia:(
woke up at 7am this morning
then go go go then buy porridge
damn long can:(
but its okay:D
then go 'home' and eat eat
same still cant eat finsh:D
and was damn lazy eat can
need ppl feed me!!:D heh
then like that lor:D

Thursday, November 19, 2009

all dad's fault -.-
now using sis com as she is sleeping:D
not lag!!:D
miss u can:D
and she bought stuff for me omfg !!
thanks alot sex partner!!:D

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

i'm blogging again:D
have fish soup for lunch
super full O:
thanks luv for paying for me & helping me to eat xD
no reason to not to love u :D

hey :D
feel like sleeping now but wearing contacts then cant take out:(
such a nice weather:D
haha!! where is mine jasmine wan & claudia teo??!!
i miss them :(
i want them :(
u guys better be thankful:D HAHA
& of course i misses denise colin meng di & brasel too:D:D:D
got miss me not??
i know denise misses me!!:D:D
my babe lover denise choo
see this:

Touched anot denise choo??:)
well i miss everyone including U!!:D:D

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dog lovers u better watch this!
u will cry, cause i cried:)
its based on a real story anyway
the dog so cute!!:'(
i'm lovin my dog even more:D
in the afternoon watched gossip girls again
chatted with claudia daughter on msn for a while
glad shes enjoying:D
she is currently in HK but dunno where though lol
i just realise that i have holiday hw -.-
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
i'm rotting
at home!!:(

Whats wrong with u .......

I'm sad:( very sad:(
u guys will nv see me for this whole hoilday
for 1 simple reason
I'm grounded!!>:(
yea he ruin my hoilday plans
its just a damn bloody phone bill okay
worse no allowance too >:(
shall spend my hoilday being
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

why things ended up so badly....all i want was to hear you love me again

Sunday, November 15, 2009

so many questions to ask u but u wont even talk to me.....

hey hey:D
i'm bringing my dog out again;p
i'm bored
i'm hearing music
i'm spending my hoilday at home & worse MY home :(
i'm trying to be a good girl
i'm not really grounded but dun feel like going out
i'm wanting to go somewhere but i know i can't as its somewhere i cant go:(
i'm sad??:' ( i dunno la
i'm crazy
i'm stupid
i'm rush
i'm regretting.....
i'm cant change it now
i'm so dead
cause i know its over....

hahha!!:D random:D
bleh bleh;p

Saturday, November 14, 2009

haha getting bored!!
yesterday night sms-ed denise lover till 3 am??
we were talking about gossip girl :D LOL
nat is such a hottie!!:D LOVE
sry kryshan!!:(
didnt went to the parade today:'(
so yupp anw the book that i just bought
"daddy's prisioner"
has totally vulgar:D
the daddy will be like
" u were fucking him all the while u were fucking me, u fucking bitch!"
"get the fuck off here, u dirty bastard!"
there is more :D
like seriously they spelled the whole thing:D
so bye!:D

i'm sorry.i cant be always with u. U have your girl & i need my boy too. i cant carrying on with this:(

Friday, November 13, 2009

i'm getting so bored!!!
tmr shall i go school?
hais sian la!!!

Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it is better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together

Damn it!!
Last night was a total horror!!:(
Dad wants me to transfer school & he was damn serious:'(
i wont really mind if he transfer me to another mix school
atleast i get the chance to meet a whole new lots of guy
but NO!! hes transfering me to CHIJ SJC!! its a girl school!
How can Gerldine Sun ever survive in a girl school!
forget about tat-.-
so i'm here at home again
trying to be a good girl!!.___.
so dun make me turn into a bad girl & go out
hehe. shall blog later!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tag by my lover Denise:D

1)Do you....

-Believe in destiny?
uhm...its always destiny:D

-think life is unfair?
since when life is fair :)

-lick your fingers?
only when something can be eaten & tasty is on it:)

-like an ex girlfriend/boyfriend?
all i can say is fuck this question:D

-thinks girls are better than boys?
well in some ways girl are:D


-Guyfriends or Girlfriends?
Both is great ;p

-Yellow or Red?
Red for me!:)

-Milk or Milo?

-Kisses or Hugs?

3)Have u....

-told a lie?
like u didnt:D


-Have sex?
I'm still a virgin:D

-Kissed anyone of the opposite sex?
Yes! and guess what? I kissed your father:D LOL jk:)kissed my bf(s) for obvious:)


-had a relationship with your friend's love partner?
Once? please i regret k?!!

-liked your friend's love partner?
Yupp.Like u never(:

-liked a classmate?

-fell for your friend's ex?
Fuck this question again:D


-licked your foot?
eewww.Not like i'm fuckin myself!

-got hurt?
like u never:D

6)First impression of someone in your mind now?

7)10 friends in your mind now:
4.Meng Di
9.Xue lian

Tag 3 people to do this:

I'm sorry:'( Believe me i dun want too,iloveu

i'm at home again.... :(
super bored!!!
mum bought a storybook for me O:
its called "Daddy's Prisoner"
nice nice:D touching!! hehe

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.
Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, Pain of love lasts a lifetime.

I'm so bored:'(
mum is at home .__.
had steak for lunch with her yum yum :D
Today i should be with jas and clau
now ended up at home....
tmr will rot at home again :(
sry to the people who jio me out
dun feel like moving my butt out of the house:D
i shall reply taggies:D

Desiree- xD LOL hello daughter:D He ar? LOL nobody la:D
Ilov3u-replied in sms le:D
Desiree-thanks daughter:D
Denise-YEA!!super hot :D:D:D:D
HORNHORN- its just a joke la:D
Your bi stick-replied u in sms le ;p:D
Ernest-LOL! world war 3 lasted only a day:D
Tohning- kk:D and thanks:D
PB-thanks:D its just a friend:D
colin-LOL ok:D



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Love is a thing shared by two
Love is what you feel for me and you
Love is precious when its shared
Love is danger when its dared

Love wanders and searches for the one
Love plays and just do it for fun
Love lets you hear love songs to emote
Love lets you make sweet poems & a quote

Love makes the world go around
Love makes us happy if the one we love
is finally found
Love turns the world upside down
Love cheers us never with a frown

Love makes you cry
Love sacrifices and says goodbye
Love has its own reason and time
Love can make someone you love "mine"

Love makes a person kiss
Love makes a person miss
Love is experienced by all
Love conquers when you fall.

Today got dance
nice nice:D
was late because of JASMINE WAN!!
got my sock dirty .__.
.... damn sian

is panda still cute??:D
found a pic
super funny:D

small kids:D
so innocent!!
wonder that girl the there got what sia xD
i'm crazy!

this is not the life i want. i want to restart it

Monday, November 9, 2009

hey hey (:
my 3rd post for the day haha.
see i'm so bored:(
today stayed home again like ya again!!
yesterday night talked to timothy aka timo:D
haha. He damn bad sia
ask why suddenly i so good talk to him ;p
make me sound like i'm so bad >:(
talked to ryan tan too aka MRT LOL
suddenly remember last year's (: totally fun
and ya saw an old picture of me hehe

i know i look so innocent back then(:
i look like a toot can;p
hair all tie up haha xD
see last time i good girl can:D
now also la ;p
tmr might not be free for dance sian...
then later maybe go out with bryan they all...
dunno la! i'm so confussed lol
someone is stalking brasel!!:D
brasel super scare:D haha
damn ass my phone keep vibrating!!
all ryan tan's fault ;p
ask me ask them
now i'm like smsing 12 people at one time xD
at first ask only then suddenly start chatting.__.
tat stupid timothy say i noob >:(
pls la i sleep at 5+am he sleep at 8am .__.
he pro la lol
and yu jie call me lady boss ahahha!!:)
timo u better dream of me tonight disconnecting your com hor:D haha
i'm evil still(:

wikipedia says
Love-bite is a temporary bruise or mark caused by kissing, sucking or biting the skin forcefully.
Love-bites typically last from four to twelve days and may be treated in the same way as other bruises.
Love-bites can be a purple-like color similar to other types of bruises, or a cluster of red speckles

LOL. U see love-bite is PURPLE hor(:
(inside joke)
ways to remove it
1.Toothpaste-applie at love-bite
2.Cold compress-freeze the spoon for fews hour then place at the love-bite
3.Use comb-comb at the love-bite area
4.eraser-rub at love-bite


my dog;p cute right?;D

Facebook's quiz:D

Your heart is full of love. You are usually always loving towards people because you find everyone equal. You generally love at all times. When you get hurt you forgive the person and give them another chance because everyone makes mistakes. That is a great thing to have in your heart. Love came from God. God is love. And He loves us more than anyone can imagine. He loves us so much that even when we push him away or make mistakes he still loves us. He loves us so much he gave his son up so that we could have a relationship with Him and can have forgiveness. John 3:16 "God so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son so that will not perish but have everlasting life."

so yupp(:
yesterday bet someone see who sleep the lastestxD
and i lost:( haha
fell asleep at around 4+am??
then woke up at 5+am and sms(:
then too tired 5.45am fell asleep againxD
damn tire sia today morning(:
lucky today no dance(:
change to tmr hehe:D
i watched finsh gossip girl season 1 yesterday(:
watching season 2 now

Bi,3 words 8 letters, say it & i'm yours(:

Copyrighted @ Your name @ your url.