Monday, October 26, 2009
after school went thomson plaza with jas,clau and evan:D
was fighting over wad to eat haha
final decision was pizza hut:D yum
jasmine was like talking about steaming:O
haha i only know flag pole!!:D
while waiting for the food to arrive
jas and clau kept hitting mine tat one:(
and jasmine wan!!!
mine is
natural ok
haha dun jealous la:D
played some crazy stuff after eating
we add chilli and chesse into the coke and drink it:O
tasted super bad
then we went to Ritz to eat:D
super nice haha
got one dessert call 'horn'
super interesting!!:D
but too bad they dun have :(
i am like talkin porn in my blog la:O
haha sorry about tat:D

mine!!:D nice nice



chilli,cheese coke vs. normal coke haha:D
Monday, October 26, 2009
after school went thomson plaza with jas,clau and evan:D
was fighting over wad to eat haha
final decision was pizza hut:D yum
jasmine was like talking about steaming:O
haha i only know flag pole!!:D
while waiting for the food to arrive
jas and clau kept hitting mine tat one:(
and jasmine wan!!!
mine is
natural ok
haha dun jealous la:D
played some crazy stuff after eating
we add chilli and chesse into the coke and drink it:O
tasted super bad
then we went to Ritz to eat:D
super nice haha
got one dessert call 'horn'
super interesting!!:D
but too bad they dun have :(
i am like talkin porn in my blog la:O
haha sorry about tat:D

mine!!:D nice nice



chilli,cheese coke vs. normal coke haha:D