Saturday, August 8, 2009
Current mood: sick D:current song:Missing youlyrics:Baby I'm missing youThings'll never be the same without you...What did I do to deserve thisI didn't even get one last kiss, from youOh baby God took your love from meHe needed an angel so it seemsI need to feel your hands all over meI need to feel you kissing meI need to feel you holding meI need to feel your touchCause I miss your love so muchAnd I can't keep on living this wayI need you here with me ......
Ms huang lol where is she looking?

Me and laopo^^ and ernest's hands on top x)
i am like so sick nowD:
having bad flu fever and cough.__.
maybe because of the water fight today lol
today peirce family day totally rock!!
dam fun la
moring went to eat breakfast at MAC at J8
was quite fun?lol
then went to school without school uniform:/
everybody was like
"eh gerldine,why you wear like that?"
they say i pretty too LOL
played played n played
i played the dunk too lol
super fun can
played played n played
then i brasel winnie jasmine bryan shen ee joshua wilfred
went to the car park there and played water fight lol
super wet and fun lor
i love mr phillai,mrs wong and ms huang!!
mr phillai bought me the banana cookies!!
mrs wong played and slacked with me lol
ms huang was like being so dam kind la
love it sia
not going to post anymore
real tire and sick
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Current mood: sick D:current song:Missing youlyrics:Baby I'm missing youThings'll never be the same without you...What did I do to deserve thisI didn't even get one last kiss, from youOh baby God took your love from meHe needed an angel so it seemsI need to feel your hands all over meI need to feel you kissing meI need to feel you holding meI need to feel your touchCause I miss your love so muchAnd I can't keep on living this wayI need you here with me ......
Ms huang lol where is she looking?

Me and laopo^^ and ernest's hands on top x)
i am like so sick nowD:
having bad flu fever and cough.__.
maybe because of the water fight today lol
today peirce family day totally rock!!
dam fun la
moring went to eat breakfast at MAC at J8
was quite fun?lol
then went to school without school uniform:/
everybody was like
"eh gerldine,why you wear like that?"
they say i pretty too LOL
played played n played
i played the dunk too lol
super fun can
played played n played
then i brasel winnie jasmine bryan shen ee joshua wilfred
went to the car park there and played water fight lol
super wet and fun lor
i love mr phillai,mrs wong and ms huang!!
mr phillai bought me the banana cookies!!
mrs wong played and slacked with me lol
ms huang was like being so dam kind la
love it sia
not going to post anymore
real tire and sick