Friday, June 19, 2009

Hehe this is Xue lian^^ Taken by Jasmine.

Photographer Jasmine & Photographer Gerldine^^ Title:MRT

hehe thats me^^

haha^^this photo is taken by Jasmine photographer Title:Sun Gerldine&Bubbles haha

This is taken by Gerldine photographer^^ Title:Drinks to slack

This beautiful photo is taken by the pro Gerldine photographer Title:I'm all alone in this island

This is the Pro Gerldine photographer which is me la haha

This okok photo is taken by Jasmine photographer.I think mine is nicer^^

This is the Jasmine photographer^^ pretty

The two best photographer haha^^ Title:Photographers in rainbow

Another photo^^

The 3 sentosa girls haha^^

This is me!! i look like an idiot =.=
finally jasmine send me the photos:/
ok those are the photos that we taken yesterday ^^
well there is still some but i am going to edit it first.
Editing credits all goes to me!!!Photographer Gerldine hehe^^
My new name:P hehe