Wednesday, April 29, 2009
today was english test
kind of ok to me
after that blablabla then went to mrs yau homeroom
failed the compre but overall pass 27/40
dissapointed man A1 student get this kind of marks
haiz...the compre was indeed hard
ok after that i was colouring my colour test like mad
thx to winnie mei=] it was done soon
while walking to the staff room
saw the library teacher cant remember her name
she told me i wrote well for the readin marathon review thing
then i quickly said the credit is not me is mrs yau
thx mrs yau love you=]
mrs yau edited almost everything lol
ok after that went to amk hub and ate lunch with baobei
wilfred au i am not betrayer
sry baobei just couldnt tell u =]
lol promise you that i wont tell brasel means i wont tell=]
ok got home and felt freaking tire
my head was like super heavy and pain
anw good luck for tomorrow paper=]